Edit anywhere
Edit and republish the site directly from your mobile device. Upload photos you've taken on your device, update phone numbers, change links, and more.
Upload photos from your device
What could be handier than updating photo galleries and image sliders with photos you’ve just snapped on your phone? You can also add, sort and edit images directly from the library.
Mobile friendly dashboard
When you log into MyWeb from your mobile device, you will go directly to a new mobile friendly dashboard that displays your site and allows you to preview and edit it.
Build, edit and publish anywhere
Access the full MyWeb editor, including site settings and statistics, in a custom tablet format. Upload images from your device, edit widgets in a tap.
Add and remove widgets
The inline widget selector enables you to add and remove widgets easily, and shows you exactly where the widget will be placed.
Designed for tablets
MyWeb editor is specially designed for Touch devices. In fact, it includes a wider top bar for easy tapping, and deliberate deletion to make sure nothing is removed by accident.